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March 27, 2023 5 min read

If you're seeking an alternative to the traditional thyroid hormone replacement medication, levothyroxine, you may have heard of Park Compounding Pharmacy. But what exactly is this pharmacy? Let us answer your questions below!

What is Park Compounding Pharmacy?

Park Compounding Pharmacy is a Los Angeles-based pharmacy that customizes medications, usually medications that are not commercially available. It's located in Westlake Village and is a favorite compounding pharmacy there.

Unlike traditional pharmacies that dispense pre-made medications, compounding pharmacies like Park Compounding Pharmacy use pharmaceutical-grade ingredients to create custom formulations that are tailored to the unique requirements of each patient. Thus, many people find these pharmacies to be extremely helpful.

One of the main advantages of compounding pharmacy is that it offers more flexibility in medication dosage, form, and delivery method. For example, if you have trouble swallowing pills, a compounding pharmacist can create a medication in a liquid or transdermal gel form. Or, if you require a medication that's not commercially available or is no longer being produced, a compounding pharmacist can create a customized version of the medication for you.

At Park Compounding Pharmacy, their team of experienced pharmacists works closely with healthcare providers to create customized medications for a wide range of conditions, including hypothyroidism, hormone replacement therapy, pain management, and dermatological issues.

What are compounded thyroid medications?

Compounded thyroid medications offer a custom-made approach to treating thyroid disorders that differs from the standardized ingredients and dosages of medications like levothyroxine and Synthroid. Compounding pharmacies can adjust the doses of each thyroid hormone component and add it to an array of binders and fillers to create a medication that is tailored to your body's needs.

These medications typically contain one or more thyroid hormones, including triiodothyronine (T3), thyroxine (T4), or a combination of the two. Compounding pharmacies may use bioidentical thyroid hormones that are not from an animal source, or they may use desiccated thyroid hormones from the thyroid glands in pigs.

The inactive ingredients or mediums, also known as excipients, can include a variety of substances like ginger root powder, acidophilus, cellulose, and even olive oil.

How does compounded thyroid medication compare to other thyroid medications?

First of all, it's important to know that all thyroid medications contain the same active ingredients: thyroxine (T4), triiodothyronine (T3), or both. These hormones are what your thyroid gland produces when it's healthy, and they're essential for regulating your metabolism and energy levels.

However, where compounded thyroid medications differ is in the way they're formulated. Instead of standardized dosages and ingredients like those found in commercially available medications, compounded medications are custom-made by a compounding pharmacy to meet the specific needs of each individual patient.

This means that the dosages and ratios of T3 and T4 hormones can be adjusted to provide more precise and tailored treatment for each patient. Moreover, compounded medications may contain different fillers and binders, which can be beneficial for people with allergies or sensitivities to certain ingredients found in commercial medications.

It's essential to discuss the potential risks and benefits of compounded medication with both your healthcare provider and a qualified compounding pharmacist. The effectiveness of compounded medication relies heavily on the individual's needs and the expertise of the pharmacist in formulating and preparing the medication.

What are the benefits of compounded thyroid medication?

Here are some of the benefits of compounded thyroid medication

Personalized dosing

A compounding pharmacy will tailor to each patient's individual needs. By using innovative techniques and modern technology, they can create a medication that is tailored to your individual needs. For example, if you require a lower dose of T4 and a higher dose of T3, they can adjust the medication accordingly.

Allergen-free options

In addition to the customized dosages, compounded medication can also contain different fillers and binders, making it an alternative for individuals with allergies or sensitivities to certain ingredients found in commercially available thyroid hormone replacement therapies.


Compounding pharmacies like Park Compounding Pharmacy provide advances in medicine by formulating custom medications tailored to each patient's individual needs. This includes creating medications with specific dosages that may not be available in commercially available medications. If you require a certain dosage that is not available in traditional medications, you can request it at a compounding pharmacy, where various practitioners and pharmacists will work with you to create a personalized solution. At these pharmacies, providing excellent service and meeting the unique needs of each patient is usually a top priority.

What are the drawbacks of compounded thyroid medication?

Compounded thyroid medication has some potential drawbacks that need to be considered, including:

Your doctor may not recommend it

Your doctor may not recommend it, even if it is what you believe is needed. Assisting your doctor in understanding why you are interested in compounded thyroid medication may help facilitate a conversation about the potential benefits and drawbacks.

There is more than one occasion where doctors refuse to give a compound prescription and may prefer to prescribe commercially available options due to concerns about consistency and safety. Building relationships with your healthcare providers and discussing your options with them can help in determining whether compounded medication is the best choice for you.

Inconsistent dosing

Even small variations in dosage can have significant effects on thyroid hormone levels. Compounded medications may not always be consistent in their dosing, which can make it difficult to achieve consistent results.


Compounded medications can be more expensive than commercially available options, as the costs of formulation and production are not spread out over a large volume of individuals.

Insurance coverage

Compounded medications can be more expensive than commercially available options, as the costs of formulation and production are not spread out over a large volume of individuals.

Other thyroid hormone replacements to consider

If you're considering different thyroid hormone replacement options because you haven't felt better with levothyroxine, there are several alternatives available for you to explore.

Compounding thyroid medication is one option that can be helpful for individuals who have specific requirements that cannot be met by commercially available options. Compounding pharmacies like Park Compounding Pharmacy can customize medications that are tailored to your individual needs.

However, if you're looking for a more natural approach, natural desiccated thyroid (NDT) may be a better option for you. NDT is a thyroid hormone replacement medication that is made from dried and powdered animal thyroid glands, usually from pigs. Many patients prefer NDT over synthetic options like levothyroxine because it contains both T3 and T4 hormones, which are naturally produced by the thyroid gland. NDT is also considered to be more "natural" because it is derived from animal sources rather than chemically synthesized.

Some popular NDT brands include Armour Thyroid, WP Thyroid, and NP Thyroid, which are made from high-quality ingredients. However, finding these brands can be challenging, and not all pharmacies may carry them. If you're having difficulty finding NDT in your area, VitaliThy may be a great option for you.

VitaliThy, a natural desiccated you can buy online, is made from premium quality porcine thyroid glands. Thus, it contains both T3 and T4 hormones. The best thing is that it's gluten- and lactose-free. Plus, it doesn't contain eggs, fish, shellfish, artificial coloring, and artificial flavoring. It also adheres to the high-quality standards set by the Good Manufacturing Practices of the Vietnamese Ministry of Agriculture, an institution renowned for its stringent guidelines.

Wojciech Majda
Wojciech Majda

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