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Buy natural desiccated thyroid online, without prescription

VitaliThy is an easy solution to help you take charge of your health. We know that many women (and men) struggle to get the support they need for their thyroid health. Doctor visits and prescription medications can be expensive, time-consuming, and even frustrating. But with VitaliThy, you can get the support you need from the comfort of your own home.

Start feeling your best today!

Do you suffer from hypothyroid symptoms like fatigue, weight gain, hair loss, and brain fog?

You're not alone. Millions of people worldwide suffer from hypothyroidism, a condition in which your thyroid doesn't produce enough thyroid hormone. And many of them struggle to find relief.

Are you tired of running from doctor to doctor, trying to find a solution to your thyroid problems?

Maybe you've tried the standard synthetic T4 thyroid medication, and the results of your thyroid blood tests are finally normal, but you have yet to feel your best. It can be frustrating to feel like you're not making progress, even after months or years of treatment.

You want to find an alternative solution, but you're not sure where to turn.

And if you've been taking Armour Thyroid, NP Thyroid, or other brand names of natural desiccated thyroid, then you know how hard obtaining a prescription for them is. Getting a natural thyroid product can be challenging, time-consuming, and expensive. You may feel like you're stuck in a cycle of frustration, fatigue, and disappointment.

Do you feel like you're doing everything right, but your thyroid is still weighing you down?

Despite your best efforts, your thyroid just won't cooperate. You're constantly tired, even after getting a good night's sleep, and you've put on weight despite being on a strict diet. You find yourself overeating for no apparent reason, and you're losing hair and suffering from dry, itchy skin. You're never warm enough, and your days are controlled by anxiety and depression. You're forgetful and struggle to focus.

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then VitaliThy is the solution you've been searching for!

We understand the struggles that come with thyroid issues. Our natural desiccated thyroid supplement is designed specifically for women and their unique needs. It contains synergistic ingredients that are scientifically proven to be the best of the best. We've got you covered with the perfect combination of Porcine Thyroid Powder, Spica Prunellae Siccus (Self-Heal) Extract, Ashwagandha Extract, and Selenium Yeast, which help with conversion and support thyroid health.

Finally, a natural solution designed specifically for women's unique needs!

The thyroid gland is an incredibly important component of the endocrine system, responsible for regulating metabolism, energy levels, body temperature, and more. It's no surprise, then, that thyroid dysfunction can have a significant impact on a person's overall health and well-being.

What may be surprising to some, however, is that thyroid disease affects women at a significantly higher rate than men. In fact, according to the American Thyroid Association, women are five to eight times more likely than men to develop thyroid problems.

This disparity is due in large part to the hormonal differences between men and women. Women experience unique hormonal fluctuations throughout their lives, including menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause. These fluctuations can have a direct impact on thyroid function, making women more susceptible to thyroid issues.

Unfortunately, many conventional thyroid treatments fail to take these gender-specific differences into account. This can leave women feeling frustrated and unsupported in their efforts to manage their thyroid health. That's where VitaliThy comes in.

VitaliThy is the first natural desiccated thyroid supplement that was designed specifically with women's unique needs in mind. Our team of medical experts recognized the need for a thyroid supplement that would take into account the hormonal fluctuations that women experience throughout their lives.

As a result, we formulated VitaliThy to contain the optimal balance of thyroid hormones, as well as other key nutrients and ingredients that support female hormonal health. By combining the power of porcine thyroid powder with synergistic ingredients, we've created a thyroid supplement that truly delivers on its promise.

Benefits of VitaliThy for women

So what can women expect from taking VitaliThy? Here are just a few of the benefits:

  • Improved Energy Levels: Many women with thyroid issues experience fatigue and low energy levels. VitaliThy can help boost energy and combat feelings of tiredness.

  • Hormonal Support: As previously mentioned, women's hormonal fluctuations can have a direct impact on thyroid function. VitaliThy contains ingredients like Spica Prunellae siccus extract and Ashwagandha extract that support female hormonal health.

  • Better Mood: Thyroid dysfunction can lead to feelings of anxiety, depression, and irritability. VitaliThy can help improve mood and promote a sense of calm.

  • Weight Management Support: Many women with thyroid issues struggle with weight gain. VitaliThy can help support a healthy metabolism and assist with weight management efforts.

  • Improved Hair and Skin Health: Thyroid dysfunction can have a negative impact on hair and skin health. VitaliThy contains key nutrients that support healthy hair and skin.

But can men take VitaliThy?

Absolutely! While VitaliThy was specifically designed with women in mind, men can also benefit from its effects. VitaliThy is suitable for anyone suffering from hypothyroidism, Hashimoto thyroiditis, low metabolism, or low T3 syndrome. It's also beneficial for those who have undergone thyroidectomy for thyroid cancer. Don't feel left out, guys. If you're experiencing any of the following, you too can experience the benefits of VitaliThy:

  1. Feeling heavy and tired despite taking levothyroxine

  2. Not seeing any improvement in symptoms even after altering your dose of conventional therapy

  3. Ineffective conversion of T4 (the inactive form of thyroid hormone) into T3 (the active form of thyroid hormone)

  4. Continued hypothyroid symptoms or low fT3 levels while taking levothyroxine

  5. Experiencing brain fog - a sign that your brain needs more T3.

Synergistic ingredients for maximum benefits

VITALITHY COMES IN A BOTTLE CONTAINING 250 CAPSULES. And we're proud to say that our natural desiccated thyroid supplement is truly one-of-a-kind. We've combined the best of the best from each "type" of medicine school in each capsule to create a powerful, synergistic blend that targets your hypothyroid symptoms from all angles.

Here are just a few of the key ingredients in VitaliThy and how they work:

Porcine Thyroid Powder - 60mg (1 grain)

Like other natural thyroid preparations, VitaliThy contains porcine thyroid powder (Thyroid USP). This ingredient is derived from the thyroid gland of pigs and is commonly used in conventional western medicine to treat hypothyroidism. It contains biologically active thyroid hormone, which can help to restore thyroid function and alleviate symptoms such as fatigue, weight loss or gain, and hair loss.

Unlike synthetic medications that only contain one thyroid hormone, either T4 or T3, porcine thyroid powder allows NDT to contain all of the hormones produced by your thyroid gland. These includes:

  • T4 (thyroxine)

  • T3 (triiodothyronine)

  • T2 (another active form of thyroid hormone)

  • T1 (precursors to thyroxine)

  • Calcitonin (helps increase bone density).

What is T3 good for?

The active form of thyroxine (T3) in NDT ensures that the effects are immediately noticeable. Patients report an increase in energy and a reduction in other common hypothyroid symptoms, even if previous therapy was unsuccessful.

Some people may not efficiently convert T4 to T3, making NDT a better option than T4 alone. 

T2, another component of NDT, can help with insulin resistance and fat metabolism - both common issues in hypothyroidism and diabetes. Each hormone contained in NDT has a unique role in the body, but when combined, they work synergistically to provide multiple benefits.

Spica Prunellae Siccus (Self-Heal) Extract - 30mg

Derived from traditional Chinese medicine, this extract has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties and can help to regulate the immune system. It may be particularly beneficial for those with Hashimoto's thyroiditis, an autoimmune condition that can cause hypothyroidism.

But wait, there's more! Spica Prunellae Siccus has also been used in Chinese herbal formulations for thyroid diseases, such as thyroid gland swelling and subacute thyroiditis.

Ashwagandha Extract - 10mg

Used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries, Ashwagandha has been shown to have a number of benefits for thyroid health. It can help to reduce stress and inflammation, both of which can have a negative impact on thyroid function. But that's not all. Ashwagandha has also been found to calm anxiety, add antioxidant support, boost immunity, and ease brain fog. Additionally, it may help to improve T4 to T3 conversion, which is essential for maintaining healthy thyroid hormone levels.

Selenium Yeast - 6mcg

Selenium is an important mineral that plays a key role in thyroid function. It is involved in the production of thyroid hormones and can also help with T4 to T3 conversion. Our supplement contains selenium in the form of selenium yeast, which has been shown to be more effective than other forms of selenium.

By combining these ingredients from various, our natural desiccated thyroid supplement provides a comprehensive approach to thyroid health. It addresses both the symptoms and underlying causes of hypothyroidism, making it a truly effective solution for women who are looking to improve their thyroid health and overall well-being.

No common allergens to worry about

We've carefully formulated VitaliThy to be free from any harmful additives or allergens that might harm your health. We only use a few inactive ingredients to ensure that it's safe and healthy for everyone. These include Gelatin Capsule Shell, Dextrose, Magnesium Stearate, PVP K3o, and Ethanol.

Check out what makes VitaliThy so special:

  1. Gluten-free: We know gluten can be a pain in the gut for some people, especially those with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity. That's why we've made our VitaliThy supplement completely gluten-free. No more tummy troubles here!

  2. Lactose-free: Lactose intolerance can be a real bummer, but we've got you covered. Our VitaliThy supplement is lactose-free, so you can enjoy all the benefits without worrying about any digestive discomfort or allergies.

  3. Free from artificial colors or flavors: We believe in keeping things simple and natural, which is why we've skipped artificial colors and flavors. Our natural desiccated thyroid supplement is only made with high-quality, natural ingredients.

  4. Eggs-free: We understand that some people have allergies or dietary restrictions when it comes to consuming eggs. That's why we've made sure that our natural desiccated thyroid supplement is eggs-free, so everyone can enjoy it without any worries.

  5. Fish and shellfish-free: No fish or shellfish here! We've made sure that our VitaliThy supplement is free from any fish or shellfish products, making it a safe and healthy option for everyone.

Say goodbye to the hassle

Buying natural desiccated thyroid online without a prescription has never been easier. With VitaliThy, there's no need to deal with the hassle of doctor's appointments, waiting for a prescription, or dealing with insurance. Simply order online and start feeling the benefits of our natural thyroid supplement. Take charge of your health today with VitaliThy.

How can you buy VitaliThy online without a prescription? Is it even safe?

We know what you're thinking, but don't worry! Our supplement is legal and safe to use. We're based in Vietnam, where the laws around supplements and medications are different than in other countries. But rest assured that we've done our due diligence to make sure our product is safe, effective, and legal.

Our manufacturing processes adhere to the Good Manufacturing Practices set by the Vietnamese Ministry of Agriculture, which is renowned for its stringent guidelines. We're also transparent about our sourcing and manufacturing processes, so you can be confident in the quality of our product.

If it's so good, why hasn't my doctor prescribed natural desiccated thyroid?

It's important to understand that many decisions in modern medicine are guided by financial motivations, and this can impact the treatments that doctors recommend. Big pharmaceutical companies may profit from selling synthetic drugs and treating symptoms when initial therapies fail. As a result, there is often a strong push for synthetic options like levothyroxine as the only suitable solution for hypothyroidism, while alternative options are disregarded.

Our reviews say it all

Don't just take our word for it – here's what some of our satisfied customers have to say:


My thyroid was removed in 1987 after I was diagnosed with nodules on it. I haven't taken synthetic hormones in recent years, but I've noticed progressive dryness of the skin and water retention in the body. From January 2022, I started using Real Thyroid, and for the last month VitaliThy. After half a year of use, I notice a significant improvement in my skin. The edema associated with water retention has also subsided. I also have more energy - especially when using VitaliThy. In general, I notice a significant improvement in the functioning of the body and in my well-being.


Thanks to products with pig thyroid extract, I can function normally, on synthetics that I was taking before, I was constantly unconscious, tired and I was gaining weight. I have been taking VitaliThy for several weeks - earlier Real Thyroid for a year. The product works very well for me. The difference in well-being compared to Real Thyroid is that I have more energy in the evening and before 10 pm I was already sleepy. Now I can last up to 24.00. Feeling very good. For me, VitaliThy is a very good product, thanks to which I function normally despite hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's.


I have had my Tsh adjusted below 1 for several years. However, in the more intense moments of my life, the level of free hormones dropped, and a few years ago my T3 was even in the negative.

I also feel it in the circadian energy.

So, at the time of such a decrease in energy, I started taking VitaliThy from 1 capsule in the morning. After the second week, the mood was clearly increasing.

I was not affected by fatigue associated with weather changes or lack of energy during the day. These were the only spheres that bothered me and here I see an improvement.

I tested more in terms of the theses of my charges and I know that I will recommend it. Is shipping abroad possible?

Thank you very much for the rich composition of the preparation 😀


VitaliThy is a very good product that has improved my well-being. I sincerely recommend VitaliThy to all people struggling with thyroid diseases.


Hello, taking 1 tbl of Real Thyroid a day (half in the morning on an empty stomach, half in the afternoon with a meal), my results were as follows:

July 29 results:

TSH: 5.73 Normal: 0.270-4.20

fT4: 1.17 Normal: 0.71-1.70

Temp. morning body from 35.8 degrees to 36.10 degrees

When taking 1 kps of VitaliThy in the morning on an empty stomach, the results improved and are as follows:

September 5th Results:

TSH: 0.197 Normal: 0.270-4.20

fT4: 1.33 Normal: 0.71-1.70

Temp. morning body from 36.17 degrees to 36.5 degrees.

At the same time, I am still often cold. Body weight has not changed since taking VitaliThy.

In addition, my general well-being has improved, I have more strength and willingness to act. Overall, I am satisfied and recommend VitaliThy.


Hello, I started taking VitalityThy on September 2, 2022, before that I used TR Thyroid for 70 days and Real Thyroid (II version) before that.

My results from March 23, 2022. are as follows:

TSH 4.280 normal: 0.27 - 4.20

FT3 2.960 normal: 1.90 - 4.40

FT4 0.910 normal: 0.93 - 1.71

Current tests from 08.10.2022:

TSH 0.527 standard: 0.27 - 4.20

FT3 3.330 standard: 1.90 - 4.40

FT4 1.210 standard: 0.93 - 1.71

Despite a very hard time in my life, I am able to live and function, I do not want to sleep forever, the feeling of cold appears only late in the evening. I live a fairly normal life, and that's a lot.

I take 1 grain/day every morning at least 30 minutes before breakfast.

Created by hypothyroidism sufferers, VitaliThy offers real results

Our team is made up of individuals who are intimately familiar with the challenges of living with hypothyroidism. We have experienced firsthand the frustration and discouragement of being dismissed by medical professionals and struggling to find effective solutions for our symptoms. This shared experience has driven us to develop a product that we are truly passionate about - one that we know can make a real difference in the lives of those who, like us, are dealing with hypothyroidism. We are proud to stand behind The VitaliThy and its potent ingredients, knowing that it can offer relief and support to so many people who are dealing with the same struggles we have faced.

Say hello to a healthier, happier you

Don't let hypothyroid symptoms hold you back any longer. Try VitaliThy and experience the relief and vitality you deserve. With our natural desiccated thyroid supplement, you can say hello to a healthier, happier you. Order now and see the difference for yourself.

Are you ready to take control of your health and experience the relief you deserve? Click the buy now button to get your hands on VitaliThy today!

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